Thursday, May 6, 2010

Susie's Baby Shower

Last Thursday night a few of Susie's friends gave her
a baby shower at Village Inn....because of SNOW,
yep snow in April, a few friends were too nervous
to make the drive, bringing babies of their own.

Ky and I, with my Mom, decided that we should join in!
Christi was unable to crash with us due to work :(

We had a great time, lots of laughs! Ky and I made
Susie the infant canopy, which turned out SO cute,
and filled it was miscellaneous baby items.
She also got several cute outfits, an infant bathtub,
and lots of diapers!

I am getting so excited to meet baby Haylee!
(I'm sure her Mom is too ;)
Only 4 more weeks!