Friday, June 11, 2010

My Mom Always Said...

That I would be paid back for all of the craziness I caused in her life. Well, she was right. I didn't think, however, that I would be paid back EXACTLY the same way.

A few years ago....okay, MANY years ago:

I was in a hurry to go hang out at Andrea's house, but had to finish my chores. I quickly loaded the dishwasher and left...

30 minutes later I get a phone call from my Mom saying that I needed to come back home and clean up the mess I made. She was not happy but I could hear my brother laughing in the background. When I walked into the kitchen they were scooping up bubbles into a bucket to dump out on the back lawn. It seems, in my hurry, that I put liquid dish soap into the dishwasher. OOPS... Soap suds were all over the kitchen floor and headed down the stairs into the basement.


While down stairs working on girls camp stuff, I hear Kylie SCREAM, "MOM, I THINK I PUT TOO MUCH SOAP IN THE DISHWASHER!"....oh crap :(

I run up and sure enough bubbles were pouring out of the dishwasher and all over the kitchen floor...Déjà Vu! After running over and opening the dishwasher, stopping...slowing down the bubbles, I started laughing and tried to clam her down. Luckily my handy dandy Hoover Floormate quickly took care of all of the bubbles on the floor.

Then it was time to figure out how to get all of bubbles out of dishwasher. I called my Mom and asked how she got the bubbles out.... after LAUGHING at me for a good ten minutes, she told me that vinegar would kill the bubbles. Sure enough, it worked! Thanks Mom :)

Unfortunately I didn't think to get my camera until after I had removed the bottom tray and started pouring vinegar into the just imagine the dishwasher completely full ;)

Hopefully everyone reading this will learn, from both me
and my daughter, NOT use Palmolive dish soap
in your dishwasher!