Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sick Kids...

Ry woke up Friday morning not feeling good, and being the fabulous Mom that I am...I sent him to school. Around 10am I went back over to the school to start setting up for the "Welcome Back" lunch that the PTA put on for the faculty and staff. As I came around the corner by the office, I saw Ry standing there talking to Kathy, the school secretary, who just pointed at me through the window...apparently he went into call me. He came out of the office, gave me a hug, and told me that he still didn't feel good. He was BURNING UP! I felt like THE WORST MOM EVER for sending him to school. He's been hit with a double whammy, both stomach flu and regular flu symptoms... Today is Tuesday and he is still home completely wiped out. I feel so bad for him :(

This is what Ry has looked like since Friday...poor guy!

On Sunday, while in sacrament meeting, Joel got a text from Ry telling him to call home right away. We thought that he was calling to ask us to come home, not wanting to stay alone....even though I did leave Ky home with him, geez.... ;) However, he was calling to tell us that Bodee, my sister's little guy, was taken to the hospital...completely unresponsive... We left church, I dropped Joel off home to stay with Ry (who was crushed he couldn't go see Bodee), grabbed Ky and headed up to the hospital.

When we pulled into the parking lot, I went and parked next to my dad's car...noticing that he was laying back in the drivers seat. It seems that he was starting with symptoms of the stomach flu and didn't want to spread it around...last I heard he was still out of commission too :(

We walked in **crossing our fingers they would let Ky go with me** and asked for Bodee's room. The nurse was fabulous...she told us that he was in the room across from the nurse's station, and even said that Ky could go with me...thinking Bodee would enjoy seeing her:) When we got into his room, they'd had him hooked up to all kinds of machines, had taken x-rays, a MRI, and drawn blood. Over the hour we were there he improved a lot, but was still not the same little boy we are use to. They decided that he had a seizure from the high fever. They sent him home to be watched closely the rest of the day. When Bodee called later that night, to ask Aunt Heidi to buy him a new truck, he sounded much better and full of energy again...good thing kids are resilient!

Bodee getting his IV removed.