We have a family membership to Thrive Fitness. Thrive is open 24hrs a day, I love it! I go all the time, Joel goes once in a while, and the kids hardly ever want to go. A few nights ago, I talked Ry into going over with me...it was so funny! Usually when the kids go with me, they run on the treadmill or ride the stationary bike. This night Ry went straight for the weights. He would do a few reps and then stop turn around and flex his arms in the mirror...LOL! It was the funniest thing ever. He had his ipod turned up and wasn't paying attention so he couldn't hear me laughing, luckily we were the only ones there. Oh my goodness, that kid makes me laugh! I have the giggles again now while I am typing about it ;) I used my phone to take a picture, but it just doesn't do it justice....