Tuesday, November 9, 2010


A lot has been going on this month...I'm going to skim over a few of the bigger things.

My brother, Brent, has season tickets to the Jazz games. He gave us the tickets to the first regular season home game. Ky thought she was being tortured by being made to go...the foam bear claw was her bribe :) We started the night at The Training Table, were we ended up running into the fabulous Taylor family! (We should run into each other again soon :)

Brent's four seats are on the second row of the upper level, they were great! I'm hoping to be employee of the month a few more times ;) Ky loved watching the Bear and Ry thought it was great that his friend Jayden, and Jayden's dad, Kelly, had seats three rows up from us. Kelly ended up watching the game with us and Ry went up to watch the game with Jayden. Even though the Jazz didn't win, we had a great time! Thanks Brent!

Yes, the purple strip in her hair is permanent...Not sure what I was thinking :)
But she LOVES it and it's only hair, right?

A few weeks ago, on a Friday night, Ry came home from school and said, "Mom, I hurt my foot playing soccer during P.E. today....can I go fishing?" So, I thought he must be fine. Later that night, after fishing, he started complaining...Joel went into his room and noticed it was swollen and thought we should take him into Wee Care pediatrics for an x-ray. (I love wee care...they only charge your regular co-pay no matter what time it is....every where else charges my $40 after hour co-pay any time from 5:00pm Friday to 8am Monday morning.)

The doctor told us that it looked sprained and that he thought Ry's foot was "made that way" (his words...) but, if we wanted an x-ray while we were there he would take one. I said that since we were already there, let's take the x-ray, leaving no doubt... He came back and said the x-ray looked normal. We went home.... Monday afternoon came around and I got a phone call from Wee Care saying I needed to bring Ry back in for a cast, it was definitely broken! So at 9pm on Monday night we went back for a cast. It's been a long few weeks for me so I can only imagine how long it's felt to him...it comes off this weekend! I think we'll party :)

Ry and the rest of the peer leaders held a fundraiser night at All American Pizza Grill. They helped deliver orders, get refills, clean tables...and generally annoyed customers ;)
They made 20% of the profit for the night and about $60 in tips!

This year my side of the family held the annual Halloween party at my brother's house. This year the pumpkin carving went much faster than in year's past. Rich, Brent's friend, brought over his...power tool thingy. Once the kids cleaned out their pumpkins, they drew the design on their pumpkins with permanent marker and then Rich spent 24 seconds cutting the design out! It was FABULOUS!! I will never go back to carving pumpkins the "old fashion" way again :)