Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

The weekend started out fun but went down hill from there. On Wednesday afternoon I got a call from Susie saying that she had a kidney infection so her and her husband, Ryan, were not going to go to the Jazz game with us. So, with a moment's notice, our friends, Chris and Amy, were able to find a babysitter and meet us at the frontrunner station in Roy. The train ride down was great...there's never a dull moment when Amy's around :) and it's always fun to catch up with her and Chris. We got to ESA right on time and bought yummy sweet pork salads to take to our seats and to top it off...the JAZZ WON!! The night was fabulous. . . . but that's were all fabulous-ness ends :(

6:00 am on Thanksgiving morning we hear Ry yelling for Dad...He's thrown-up all over his bed. We, I say we meaning Joel (I was hiding in my bedroom - I know that cry :), got it all cleaned up and realized that he was burning up with a high fever and also had a sore throat, and chest congestion. YIKES! Needless to say, nobody wanted him over for thanksgiving dinner and he was to weak to get out of bed. Joel ended up taking Ky and going to his mom's to eat and then when they got home I took Ky to my mom's. The entire day was awful and I pouted all day :(

Brent and Christi came down with the boys for pie and stayed until it was time for BLACK FRIDAY to begin. Around 10pm I left Ky with my Dad, watching movies, and the three of us (me, Susie, and Mom) headed to Centerville Wal-Mart. The store was DEAD...I couldn't believe it. I even went as far as to call other black friday shopper friends to tell them how dead it was. However it did end up getting as crazy as all of the other stores I have been at. The night/morning was a huge success. We got everything we went out for and then some. I dragged a sleeping Ky from my parents couch and got home around 7:00am. I went straight to bed and ended up waking up in time to take Ry to his doctor's appointment, where he was diagnosed with croup, and then back home to get ready to go to work at Pier One that night.

Saturday was the BYU vs. Utah game. The Cougars came out strong during the first three quarters until the Utes decided to show up during the 4th and everything started to go their way...including the ref's :( The Cougars ended up losing by 1 :( Next year the Utes move up to the Pac-10... I actually hope they do good and make the state of Utah proud. That being said...I still do not and will not forgive the individual who disgraced the Saturn with the Utes license plate frame. The frame lived a short life once it appeared and there will be pay back ;)

Before Ry found it. . .

After Ry found it. . .

I worked again Saturday night/Sunday morning but was able to make it home in time for a nap before the Colts game...that went about as well as the BYU game. I take that back. At least BYU showed up to the game, not sure where the Colts were. It was ugly. Even uglier was the stomach flu that hit our house that night. Joel was down and out with it until yesterday and I was hit monday night and I'm just starting to feel normal today. I'm crossing my fingers that my kids don't get it...I am so DONE with puke!!