Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pictures with the Cousins

The weekend before Mother's Day we got all the grandkids together, from the "A" side of the family, to get pictures done for my Mom and Grandma. The older kids were complaining and Haylee was crying...yep, it was a complete mad house in that small studio at Target. Ry was NOT happy about how Aunt Christi wanted their collars flipped up. If you happened to be in Target that night, you got to witness a 12 year old having a complete melt down over was fabulous! Afterwards we all went to Chili's for dinner and froze our bahookie's off until someone went and complained to the manager - Brrrr!

This was all going on while my Dad was at home attempting to change the oil in his Camry...

Ry(12)is in the aqua and Ky(10)is in the white
Colton(14)and Bailey(11), Brent's kids, are in the purple & green
Bodee(4)and Haylee(11 months), Susie's Kids, are in the orange