Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ry's FINAL Bad Landing!

Ry's love of jumping ramps with his bike started at the age of 4. . . It caused me heart failure then and, looking back now, I should have put a stop to it ;)

Yesterday was the FINAL *Bad Landing! It was one of those days that you hurry over to hug your kid, make sure he's okay,. . . and then you KILL HIM!! K, not really, but this Mom was NOT HAPPY! This was the third accident in 8 days, with each one getting worse - More and more damage to his body...and more and more damage to my checking account!

This was a couple of hours after the accident...SWOLLEN! My Ry Guy doesn't even look like himself :( However, at this point I still had NO sympathy for him! I called the Dentist and, after confirming that the teeth weren't going to fall out, we made an appointment for today.




When Dr. Mattson, our super fabulous dentist, asked Ry how it happened...I just had to sit back and laugh...it was either laugh or cry! Ry said, "I got good air on the trick just before, so I totally thought I could land a back flip". I was really hoping for..."I fell off my bike", and he could have left it at that! Trust me, I would have been okay with that!

I'm starting to wonder at what point does that part of the brain develop that will help him process the thought..."DUDE, THAT'S GONNA HURT REALLY BAD IF I DON'T LAND IT...I BETTER NOT TRY IT! I'VE ALREADY GOT 9 STITCHES IN MY LEG AND MY MOM WILL NOT BE HAPPY WITH ME IF I INJURE MYSELF AGAIN!!" -- Hopefully, I'm crossing my fingers, he didn't skip that step ;)

I'm sure someday I'll be able to look back at this and laugh...but today's SO not that day! I love that kid oodles and oodles, but I'm SO glad he won't stay 12 forever :)

*Bad Landing...when Ry was three years old, he was crazy obsessed with airplanes. Every time he fell he would jump up and say, "That was a bad landing!". It stuck...he out grew of his love of airplanes, but NOBODY has let him forget his "bad landings" :) OH, how I miss those days!

Ry @ 3 Years Old - SO STINKING CUTE!!