Sunday, August 21, 2011

Roy vs. West Haven

Roy Black (6) vs. West Haven White (12)

Yesterday was the first football game of the season. After double over-time, West Haven scored the winning touchdown. Ry felt good about the outcome and that should be good enough for me.

. . .HOWEVER. . .

Ry is a defensive player and has never really been coached on any offensive line positions, sure he's been put in to cover for a tired/hurt player while keeping his starting defensive position, but never in 4 years of football has he practice to start the O line. Okay, I take that back. During Ry's first year, when he was 8 years old, he started on both the O line and the D line. His first year coach did a great job at teaching the boys all the positions on the football field.

Yesterday Ry played on the O line the entire game and did not go out for the defensive line once. Even other parents on the side lines were making comments, "Is that "D" out there on offense." and "WHY isn't "D" out there on defense?". I'm not sure what this coaching staff is thinking and I'm kind of bugged....okay, REALLY bugged. By this age, 12/13 years old, both the players and coaches should have found were the players skill set is the strongest and stick to that. At the very least, if the coach feels that Ry can be useful on the O line, then shouldn't Ry be practicing with the O line during the week. CrAzY thought right? GRRRR!

The way I see it, if a defensive lineman makes between 9-17 QB sacks a season, that might be where his skill set is the strongest. How many QB sacks did our team make yesterday. . . . . NOT ONE that I'm aware of . This year's head coach even called us during the off season to see if he could secure Ry, saying that Ry is a fantastic defensive lineman that can break through that line like no other player he as seen. . . .so I KNOW that he knows where Ry should be playing. . . .WTHeck!!

On a positive note - Yesterday Ry did recover the ball after a fumble!

Okay, I vented and now I feel a little better. . . . . not much, but a little ;)