Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Confessional. . .

1. I confess that I'm a much better basket shot since my garbage can got moved to the corner, I've been making 2 pointers all day long! It makes picking up after myself much easier and, I confess, it makes me super happy that I'm not such a losey shot anymore!

2. I confess that I wanted to hurt both my son and my husband this morning when they were laughing at me while I was in a bad mood. I was ornery and and I wanted to STAY ornery...I NOT A MORNING PERSON! I'm over it now...back to my chipper self :)

3. I confess that even though I told Ky I would go off of caffeine because she has to...I'm not going to...I can't do it...I'm not strong enough. BUT I will stay off of it while I'm around her and I will keep it out of our house. I took her to the Doctor yesterday because she is having headaches almost everyday. Ky keeps telling me they will go away when her brother moves out, but I wanted to make sure something else isn't going on. The doctor said to take her off of caffeine and to cut back on the sugar. Ky goes in next Friday for a MRI :( Yep, that kind of freaks me out! ):