Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Confessional. . .

1. I confess that I like mowing the lawn. I started mowing it when I was a stay at home Mom, it gave me something to do during the day and then when Joel was home we could do other things instead of yard work. Now it's just kind of grown on me...and, I think, it looks much better when I mow it ;) J/K, not really, but it is fun to drive our riding lawn mower around and then when we can spend our weekends enjoying other things.

2. I confess that I want a bigger TV to watch football on! We have a 42in. flat screen down stairs and it's just not working for me. I'm thinking 60in. maybe even a 72in. would be perfect! Hmmm...last time he went out of town he came home to a new treadmill. I wonder when he'll be going out of town for another conference =)