Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Can life get any crazier? This past weekend my uncle, Bud (my mom's - sister's husband), passed away, then my grandma (my dad's mom) was admitted into the hospital with a severe infection and, because of her dementia, could not be left alone at night. So between me, my mom, my sister-in-law, and many patient nurses she had great around the clock care. I came home early this morning, around 3 am, and crashed. -- UPDATE! She was released to go home with my Grandpa at 9 am this morning, YEAH! :) -- Thanks to my wonderful husband and his fabulous parents for helping with the kids and their busy schedules. Without them I would not have been able to be at the hospital as often as I was needed. Thank you, thank you!

Today I start the PTA side of back to school night, my kids parent teacher meetings, cub scouts and football practice - all tonight! It's going to be crazy. Tomorrow looks pretty much like today - Kids, PTA, Football - plus I have to pack for my trip to AZ with my parents this weekend. We (Dad, Mom, Susie, and I) are flying to Phoenix early Friday morning to see John Edward perform that night, , I am SO excited :) We then will fly back to SLC on Saturday and arrive around 2:00pm, hopefully in time to catch the last inning of Ry's football game! (I'll post more about the trip on Saturday!) So, to say the least....I'm a little stressed out right now and I am looking forward to next week when the kids go back to school and I, hopefully, have nothing to do!