Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mini-Bowl, HERE WE COME!

Roy 19 Vs. West Haven (White) 18

Our boys played an amazing game today! The game was played on a neutral field, Davis High, at 2:00 this afternoon, and we FINALLY, after 2 weekends in rain/snow, had perfect weather. Ry got in a good play causing WH to fumble the ball, Derick recovered it for Roy, and we got it on video! As you can tell from the score - it was another tense game. It came down to the last 11 seconds of the game, but our boys pulled it off! WAY TO GO ROYALS!


Wasatch Front Football League (WFFL) Mini-Bowl

Weber State University, 3:30 pm.

Roy A Vs. West Haven (Maroon)