Friday, October 10, 2008

Organized Kaos...

So, today at the school was Grandparents Lunch day. This is the one day that grandparents are invited to come to school and have lunch with their Grandchildren (they are welcome anytime, this is just the one day a year they get an invitation to come). I lose hours of sleep over this event every year. I keep thinking how can I organize it better, how can we move people faster through the line (I know their grandparents and some great grandparents -older-, they generally move slow, but lunch is only a half a hour long), how can we help kids and grandparents find each other easier, so on and so on... Sure, we get a few complaints, but overall the Grandparents love it and the Thank You's we get way outweigh the complaints.

It's so cute to watch these older people with their Grandchildren, they act they haven't seen each other since the last Grandparents Lunch. Some leave teary eyed and some have to stop and tell us, volunteer mom's, about their cute conversations with their Grandkids :) I am thrilled that they enjoy it.

My kids had their Grandpa and Grandma from Joel's side come today, they are both retired. I always think that since both of my parents work that they either wouldn't want to or be able to come and I don't want to disappoint my kids. But every year, after it's over, I wish I would have given them the option and left it to them to decide. So, MOM - DAD, next year you are being invited and hopefully you can make time to come up!

So, this week we "PTA" closed the fundraiser, finalized the last t-shirt order, and enjoyed Grandparents Lunch...Next week, I move onto Red Ribbon Week, short 3 day week, and then I am finally going to be able to slow down on my PTA involvement! Yeah! THANK YOU to my wonderful husband who has been supportive of my involvement and patient while I neglected the house, the laundry, the dishes, the kids, the dogs, and of course, him :) I love you Joel and I PROMISE to quit the only 4 more years!

p.s. THANK YOU - Kim, Jackie, Diana, Robbin, Leilani, Rod, and our AMAZING Lunch Ladies - for helping me out today!