Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Funny Story...

Last night, while up stair reading, Ry came running up the stairs yelling, of course, MOM!! MOM!! MOM!! When he got into my room he said, "Uncle Brent is going to be RICH ~ He gets to sue Arbys!"

"SWEET!", I said. "But, why would Uncle Brent sue Arbys??" I asked. Then he started to tell me how Arby's is running new commercials with the same slogan that Brent came up with for his new t-shirts at Christmas time....."MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK!"

Joel and I started laughing..."Unfortunately Uncle Brent didn't think of that slogan on his own ~ It's been around for a while, Buddy", I told him. His cute little face dropped, you could tell It completely dashed all hopes of being left money in the rich uncle's will :)