Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

On Friday night, while Ky was at a birthday slumber party, Joel and I took Ry and his friend, Nathan, to see Iron Man 2 after dinner at Chick-Fil-A. They loved it! Later that night they started out the evening determined to spend the night out on the trampoline. Joel gave them 30 minutes before the came back in. They lasted 35 minutes :)

On Saturday the Young Women in our our put on a fashion show as our yearly fundraiser. The girls had a blast! Earlier in the week the girls went to Down East and picked out 2 outfits to model during the fashion show. We arrived two hours early and had a few hairdressers from our ward came early and helped with hair and makeup. We even have a D.J. in our ward that came with his sound system, music and lights. Once the girls got over being nervous they really started to enjoy it.

Later that evening we met Heather and Joe at Lucky China for dinner. After dinner we all came back to our house for movies and treats.


The day was great! Joel took the kids and let me have alone finish my book! After we went to Joel's parents for dinner and then to my grandma's for dessert. This year I bought my own mother's day presents...a new watch band, a new lanyard, and an iPod Touch!

We Love Our Mom's!