Sunday, May 16, 2010

Scout Camp

On Friday Joel and Ry went on their first camping trip with the 11 yr. old scouts. They went to Crystal Hot Springs....Brrrr. Once they got there and were finished setting up, they went swimming, cooked tin foil dinners, and had a ceremony for retiring old flags. Even though they had a fabulous time, we are still dealing with a very over tired 11 year old ;)

While the boys are away....the girls must play!

On Friday I had PTA convention down at BYU in Provo ~ It's a very fun but very long day. I got home late to Susie, Heather, Amy, and Kylie waiting for me to begin our evening. We started with dinner at Chick-Fil-A and then went to see Letters To Juliet. It was a little long for Ky, but the rest of us girls loved it! Might not have loved who we sat by...but loved the movie ;) Sorry Amy!