Monday, May 3, 2010

What was I thinking?

For a few months Ky had been asking to do a makeover on her bedroom for her birthday... I told her that we could go out and see what she wanted. Once at the store, after adding up everything she wanted for her room, $$$, I told her that she had to pick...bedroom makeover or birthday party with her friends. She picked having a slumber party and that was the last I heard about making over her bedroom.

However, Joel and I decided to surprise her and makeover her room for her on the day of her party. On Thursday I ran around town and gathered all of the supplies...paint, bedding, light fixtures, and misc. decor. Friday morning, after dropping them off at school, the craziness began. Thanks to Susie and Linden, my mother-in-law, we pulled it off in the nick of time. was close! I think it turned out great!!

(I forgot before pictures, sorry)

She was so excited!

2 hours later....

Even though I was very tired, the slumber party began. She invited 6 girls to spend the night. We started the evening with snacks and then headed over to 1st Impressions Salon for glitter toes! They are very cute, I got mine done too :) Then, to entertain them before / after they got their toes done, Mckayla styled their hair. Thanks Brenda and girls!

We got back to the house around 9 p.m. and had pizza, cake and ice cream. Then the pillow fights, giggling, scary stories, giggling, and movies began. Around midnight I thought they were settling down for the nights so I headed up to bed - EXHAUSTED!!

Around 3 A.M. I was woken up ~ it wasn't pretty! If you know me...I HATE BEING WOKEN UP! Sometime during those 3 hours they moved everything upstairs to Ky's room and decided to start jamming out to Ky's new Justin Bieber CD. After unplugging the CD player I told them I was not leaving the room until each one of them was sound asleep. Luckily it didn't take long for them to crash. However, they were not happy when I went in and woke them up at 8:30 a.m....Chezney had a soccer game to go to! It worked out great for me, instead of quietly waking up only Chezney, I opened the door and made sure they all woke up! We had everyone awake, cleaned up, fed breakfast, and taken home by 9:30 a.m.
Then Joel and I went back to bed!

The girls had a great time and I'm
happy it's finally over with!
(The night felt like it was never going to end......)

Ky's actual Birthday is tomorrow, May 4th.
My baby girl will be 9 years old :(

I hate how they grow up SO fast!