Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Green River Day Trip

Joel got a wild hair, a few weeks ago, and decided to take Ry to the Green River for the day...CrAzY! They woke up at 3:30 am on Saturday morning and made the 4 hour trip. They fished until after 1:00, stopped to have lunch, and then drove back home...NOT my idea of fun, but they both LOVED it!

Ky and I spent the day doing what we do best...SHOPPING! She got a couple of new summer outfits and the newest Justin Bieber's CD. She was thrilled :) That was about 2 weeks ago...and today I am proud to say that all four of us have the entire Justin Bieber CD memorized ~ Ry, however, is not so proud ~ Shhh! don't bring it's a sore subject ;)