Last year I let Ky dye a purple stripe in her hair.......she loved it, mom_not so much, but I did get use to it. Within a few months the purple started to a perfect brown, which I liked, her_not so much. She was CONSTANTLY asking for it to be redone. That's when "I'll make ya a deal" came in handy! We started "I'll make ya a deal" with Ry when he was WAY back fired, I wouldn't recommend starting it ;) However, it did pay off in this circumstance. If Ky did this, that, and the other, I would take her back to Staci to have the same piece of hair colored again, AFTER spring pictures!
Well, she actually stuck to it and the Saturday after spring pictures we went back to Staci's. This time it is more of a bright pink...kind of. It's hard to see the color real good in this picture, we were outside leaving Staci's and the wind was blowing like CrAzY!
The bold color thing has really grown on me_it totally fit's her spunky personality :) Once school gets out she wants to try something a little bolder. I wonder what I can get out of her this time.....hmm, I'm going to have to start thinking about this one!