1. I confess that I am, SO VERY GLAD, that (as Ky calls it) "mom goes crazy day" a.k.a. spring picture day is over! Today was spring picture day at school and the last picture day of the year. Picture days stress me out. . . WAY more than it should.
2. I confess that last Tuesday night I burnt a pound of hamburger. . . twice while watching You-Tube videos with Ry. I told him 3 strikes and I'm (going) out ;) However, by the time I started on the third pound of hamburger, Ky and Joel came up to open a few windows and to take over cooking dinner. I told Joel it was my plan all a long, to burn two pound of hamburger, so he would come up and cook dinner for me. . . . that's my story and I'm sticking to it, lol!
3. I confess that I like Glee! I'm not sure why I feel the need to make that a confession, but I do. I shouldn't be embarrassed about it, but I am. What's not to love about a slutty show that randomly breaks into song? It's a great show to watch in the middle of the night while everyone is sleeping. . . It makes me laugh! I've been exhausted lately so my Glee collection is starting to pile up on my DVR, but no worries, I'll get them soon!