1. I confess that my husband has an addiction. I have mine...my Kindle, and he has his...the XBOX.
The Australian comedy group, Tripod, has made a song that's all about my Friday nights :) It's very funny, and, sadly, very true! It's good to know that there are others ladies out there that live in my world :)
Joel, a.k.a. Coda Zoda, and a few of his friends...FirstBlood, The Don Mega, Mattazor, The Jackson, and Money Maker (their names in the land of Modern Warfare 2), meet online to every Friday night, at approx. 10:30, to play Modern Warfare 2 on the XBOX....I'm not sure when they stop playing, I've never been able to stay awake until Joel comes to bed --- I'm upstairs...reading a book...and fall asleep, lol.
I like to tease him about it, but it's really not that bad. He has his XBOX nights and I have my GNO's, although now that I think about it, it's not once a week.......Hmm, I might need to work on that ;)