1. I confess that I am totally creeped out, weirded out, and FREAKED OUT that someone broke into our house yesterday. Okay, they didn't actually break in. . . .the door was unlocked and they walked right in. Luckily they didn't steal anything, that we know of, they just went around moving things and left it so that it was obvious someone had been in here messing around.
2. I confess that we have an alarm system on our house that use at night but have never used faithfully during the day...that's all changed now!
3. I confess that my weekdays are extremely routine and very predictable, that too is going to change. I am going to mix it up and make a point to randomly stop home more often.
4. I confess that if I find out that my brother-in-law is behind this....even though he swears he's not....I'll hurt him and I will get even, it won't be pretty ;)