Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Memoirs. . . .

LAGOON - IT'S WHAT FUN IS! or so they say...


This past weekend we bought our season passes to Lagoon. We arrived when it first opened and NOBODY was there. It was kind of creepy....cold and creepy, but the kids loved it! Within two hours they had gone on every ride, that they like anyway, and some two or three times.

As I was setting out by the Wild Mouse, I got thinking back to the days that my friends and I would get season passes, back in Jr. High - High School. I would run from one ride to the next all day without a thought about motion sickness. I didn't appreciate it enough. Now I make it on two or three rides and I'm pretty much done for the day. I'll walk around and watch my kids, drink a coke, and visit with my husband....when he doesn't go with them.

My least favorite ride at Lagoon would be the sky ride. My kids love it, because they know it tortures me. I don't mind the heights, just not when it comes to my kids being up that high with that wimpy pull down bar. I automatically start thinking about everything that could go wrong. I make the kids split up and ride with one of us...I held onto Ky the entire trip across the park, especially then it came to a stop at the highest point. YIKES, I hate that!

My favorite ride at Lagoon would be the train! Yep, nothing scary or dangerous about the train and I've never seen anyone get sick from it, but the rest of them don't see it that way :)

See, they can barely contain their excitement on the train ;)

Even though it's not my preferred choice of entertainment these days, I do have great memories of Lagoon from when I was a kid and that's what I want for my kids - Fun summer memories that they can look back on and I'll have the pictures to prove it :)

**Every once in a while Ry and Ky try play the "YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH US" card and that's why I live with a camera in my hands -- to prove how it totally sucks to be them....or not ;)**