I love that Haylee looks so much like ME (round face...blue eyes), it makes me giggle. It drives my sister crazy how people (her in-laws, our extended family, and numerous others) keep pointing it out :) HOWEVER...she acts 100% just like her mother! She is already showing signs of being stubborn, feisty and able to hold a grudge just like Susie, I love it!
Watching Haylee has also made me baby hungry...CrAzY, I know! We mentioned having another baby to Ry and Ky a few weeks ago and they freaked out. Then the next Sunday in Church --after playing with Shawna's baby girl-- Ry went out into the foyer and announced to Joel, and everyone out there, that I should go off of birth control and start working on making another baby...I wanted to climb under a rock and die!
So, for today's Monday Memoirs I am going to post Ry and Ky's baby pictures from when they were around that fun age. Hopefully it will cure any and all thoughts ~ these two keep me jumping plenty!