Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Confessional. . .

1. I confess that there's not a more frustrated feeling, as a parent, than when your child is screaming in pain and there is NOTHING you can do for them to relieve it immediately. I HATE IT!! Ky is super sick right now....strep throat, double ear infections, high fever, mouth sores, congestion....she's completely miserable. Her ears are killing least she's convinced they are. We've tried about 8 different things today and I think were finally are on top of the pain. I'm's been a freakishly long week. Ky's sleeping right now, making it the perfect time to quietly blog about her ;) Love you baby girl!

2. I confess that I have enjoyed the "Mom, come here and let me hold you..." moments this week. My heart smiles when she says that.

3. I confess that I was looking forward to Joel and I going out tomorrow night with our friends....a grown up night **Sigh**....Yeah, not gonna happen =(