A few weeks ago Joel started planning an over night get-a-way for the two of us. He found this motel online while looking around the Bear Lake area and made arrangements for the kids to go to his parents house for the night. We left Saturday afternoon and drove up to Logan. While in Logan we went to a movie and then across the street to Hamilton's Steak House for dinner.
The movie was funny but I was not impressed with Hamilton's Steak House. The restaurant was too "hoity toity" for me. We should have went with our gut instinct and went to Texas Roadhouse....next time. Around 6pm we drove up the canyon to Bear Lake and by the time we got there it was DARK!! We stopped at a gas station in Laketown to get a drink and from there all the way to Cokeville, WY....it was fReAkY DaRk!! Not only was it completely dark, not another light ANYWHERE, but we also lost service and could no longer pull the map up on our cell phones and by this point we had gotten the giggles. It was funny... creepy....but funny!
Joel's choice of lodging was...........interesting. We had a great time and a much needed break from the craziness going on with Brent gone. HOWEVER, Next time we go away for a night, I'm going to pick the location and make the hotel reservations ;) I'm 100% positive that I could have lived my entire life without a visit to Cokeville, WY., with out feeling a bit of remorse!