1. I confess that the best concert I've been to is Jimmy Buffet's in Las Vegas. It's the only concert were it's just as entertaining to watch the crowd as it is to watch the stage. Those "ParrotHeads" can be WiCkEd CrAzy! Mom & Dad....you both should be embarrassed ;)
2. I confess that I was sure that I was dying of a heart attack on my birthday. That afternoon the entire left side face went numb and pain was shooting down my arm. I'm not handling getting old very well...so all the way into be seen, Joel kept teasing me that I was just having a panic attack. Well...it ended up being a pinched nerve in my neck, which is way better...scarier...something way more than just a panic attack :-P Okay, not really...lol :) But at least everyone, including myself, got a good laugh. Seriously, Why me? *blushes*
3. I confess that I squealed, like a little girl, and ran from the room yesterday when Jack, Brent's dog, brought a half dead rat into the office to chew on. Honestly...it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen! I'm not sure it's arm was moving because Jack was chewing on it or because it wasn't all the way dead yet. I probably would have just left the rat in the office and went home if Brent hadn't had been there to take care of it. YUCK! *Shivers* THANK GOODNESS BRENT WAS THERE!!