Last Thursday night Ry passed his hunters safety class.....darn it anyway ;)
RY 0 -- Duckies 1

This weekend Joel took Ry and his friend, Taylor, out duck hunting down in the wet lands...clear out west of here. Ry was SO excited to go. Him and Taylor both shot a couple of times.....AND MISSED!! Yeah for the duckies!!
All three of them came home sore, wet and exhausted. Ry now understands why guys spend so much time training Labs for duck hunting. Apparently it's not a lot fun wading around in the cold muddy water for hours on end...SERIOUSLY?? I could have told him that!
Ry is determined to teach his old dog a few new tricks, lol....poor Fisher. However, try as he might, it's not gonna happen. Fisher is a spoiled sissy dog...he likes long naps in the sun or to be curled up warm in Ry's bed...snug as a bug in a rug :)
Ry has big plans to go back out duck hunting again next weekend with my brother-in-law, Ryan. Once again, I will be at home praying that the innocent duckies survive and the boys come home empty handed....again ;)