1. I confess that I'm not a fan of colored Christmas lights, but Ky is. She was super excited when we went to Walmart together and bought colored lights for our tree a few weeks ago. She loves them and I love her, so I'll live with it.
2. I confess that I'm having an extremely difficult time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. We, and when I say we...I really mean Ky, put up the tree and decorated it...but that's it. I haven't gotten out any of my other Christmas decor that I normally do, I'm not giving out neighbor gifts this year and I didn't send out Christmas cards...Wow, I really am scrooge this year :(
3. I confess that I think cancer SERIOUSLY SUCKS, real mature...I know ;) Several years ago my Mom went through a difficult time fighting breast cancer, now we are in the process of losing Tami to the disease and, on top of that, this week we found out that my Grandpa A. (my dad's dad) has multiple myeloma a.k.a. blood cancer. Seriously....what's next??
4. I confess that I probably shouldn't confess when I have a migraine...that was pretty pathetic, lol!