Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not a chest cold...

On Wednesday I just wasn't feeling 100%, I was sure I was coming down with the cold that Joel had been dealing with. By Thursday morning I was convinced that the cold was going into my chest. Chest colds are never good for people like me with asthma. I called my brother to tell him that I was going to try to work from home and then called to make a doctor's appointment for later that day.

Because of the high winds, and frontrunner being down, Joel also worked from home that day and was able to take me to my doctor's appointment. I checked in and was asked the 100 questions they ask everyone....still thinking chest cold. My doctor came in, set her laptop down, and told me that I wasn't going to like what she had to tell me. I said something like "Oh gross, bring on the breathing treatments." She knows how bad I hate those...I'll suck on my rescue inhaler all day long...just don't ask me do a breathing treatment. I avoid them at all cost. Unfortunately that wasn't it.

My doctor said, "I want to call an ambulance and have them take you to the ER." I told her that my stupid insurance doesn't pay for ambulance rides and I would rather just have Joel drive me there. She agreed if I would do an EKG before I left and had me take a nitroglycerin - YIKES! Those are AWFUL! Within a few minutes after putting that under my tongue I was sure that I was dying. I immediately became extremely sick...sweating, dizzy, nauseous. The entire time my doctor was there with me taking my blood pressure and talking me through what was going on. Once I passed the EKG, and the side effects from the nitroglycerin went away, we headed for ORMC. I called my Mom on our way there and she asked if I would like to have my Mom there with me...well, DUH, of course! So her and my dad left to meet us there. Yes...I still am, and always will be, Mommy and Daddy's little girl!

Joel dropped me off at the door and went to park. I walked in and the guy setting at counter said, "Are you Heidi?" He immediately called another lady and told her I was there. Joel walked in at the same time the lady called me back. They put me in a room and introduced us to Blake....the FUNNIEST nurse ever! Blake started my IV and had Joel and I laughing with stories about his bizarre day with the injuries the weather had caused. My chest hurt to laugh, so I was holding my chest and crying...while laughing. People continuously came in and out...taking blood, x-rays, and other EKG. My parents arrived during this time and joined in on the craziness.

It wasn't long before the doctor came in and told me that my potassium was dangerously low. He told us that when your potassium goes low it affects all of your muscles --- that your heart really is just a muscle -- and that is why I was having sharp chest pains. The ER doctor told me that they were going to admit me for 24 hour observation while they gave me potassium and magnesium through an IV while being hooked up to a continuous EKG monitor. They needed to make sure I didn't get an overdose of potassium because that is also very dangerous. All laughing stopped and the real tears began...I really didn't feel good and I just wanted to go home!

Blake, my super fabulous nurse, got me a coke, cozy socks and a warm blanket while Joel and my parents made a plan for the kids. My parents would go get them...bring them back to see me...and then take Ry and Ky home with them for the night. Joel called to let the kids know that my parents were on their way. They too started was good times all around.

Blake warned us that my orders had to go through both the Senate and the House of it might be a while. He was right....It took FOREVER to get me into a room. Meanwhile, my parents picked up Ry and Ky, took them to dinner, and then brought them up to see me. It was hard for them to leave, they were super worried, but by this time I knew everything was going to be was just precautionary. OH, and the pain meds had finally kicked in. Yep, Heidi was in a happy place!

At first I thought...think reading time, I'll have my kindle and get caught up on some reading. Boy was I wrong. People were in and out all night long. There was no reading and very little sleeping. Joel was great and stayed with me all night. He left around 5 am to go home to shower for the day then was right back with me. Around 9am they sent me for a CT Scan to check both my heart and lungs...everything was fine. Just after 2pm I was released to go home. By this time Joel's parents had the kids and we were able to go home and finally get some sleep. Joel woke up around 8pm and, honestly, I can't really remember waking up at all until this morning. A couple of people have told me that they talked to me...but I don't remember any of it.

I still have the cold I got from Joel...but it's all in my head ;) After all of that, a stuffy nose is the least of my worries and it's SO good to be home! Now I have a fun filled week of Doctor appointments ahead of me while they look into what caused my potassium and magnesium to drop so low.

p.s. I have to give a shout out to my sister, Susie! While I was in the hospital she came over and cleaned my entire was spotless. I left with dishes in the sink, a muddy kitchen floor, and Christmas decor boxes everywhere. Thank you Susie! You truly are a Rockstar!!