I confess that I have missed seeing my husband this week. KSL is partnering with Rentler and they are launching a new product this week in the homes section. Joel has been working 14-16 hour days with the Rentler crew every day this week to try to get it launched. For example, Thursday he worked from 7am until early this morning...he got home around 2:30am...and then after 4 hours of sleep, he went right back to work. It's been a similar situation every day this week. I'm not a good single parent...because I had to pick my battles, both kids got away with a lot this week!
Jason, the C.E.O from StruckAxiom and who's newest project is rentler.com, invited us to a launch party at the Struck office's on Wednesday night...definitely was an interesting event...which allowed me to go shopping for a new outfit and allowed me to see my husband awake for 2 hours that evening, two things that I love! (Being with Joel & Shopping...however, not always in that order...j/k ;) When I get a minute, the launch party...with a live Ninja and all...deserves a post all of it's own!

I, FINALLY, confess that I totally messed up when I bought tickets for my entire family to see Grease at Tuacahn earlier this year...over $800 worth of tickets! It was, as my nephew Colton called it, an epic fail. When I got to the ticket counter they could not find any reservation under my name or my address...after a little digging they discovered that I had bought tickets for the previous weekend...when, of course, we were not in St. George. It was ugly...I thought I was going to throw-up! The people at Tuacahn were FABULOUS! They found us other seats in the sold out crowd, yep...one here, one there, one over there, one way up there...etc. Ky and Colton were the only ones that got to sit together because Ky was too young to be by herself. It was super nice considering that could have just said,..."Wow, that sucks to be you!".
I was a wreck but luckily my family was great about the mess I had made...at least to my face ;) They just laughed at me, while I was crying, and...of course...fired me from making any future reservations. During intermission one of the sweet ladies that worked there came and found me. They had a few smaller groups not show so they let us move around a little. At least we were able to sit together for the last half of the show..not all together, but no one was sitting alone anymore!
I also messed up by letting the guys talk me out of going to see the little mermaid, our original plan was to see both shows that weekend. I heard that the little mermaid was 10X's better then Grease....oh well, live and learn.
I do have to say though....the reservation print-out was on Brent and Christi's office wall for at least 3 months before we went. They didn't catch it either :P