I confess that I wish my brother-in-law, Ryan, would start thinking "What would Heidi want??" Yep, I think when he is testing for the various Police Departments...he should stop...and think...what would Heidi want. Would Heidi want to go all way down to AMERICAN FORK to see her sister? NO, she would not...so I better not apply for a job clear down in AMERICAN FORK ;) Geesh, sometimes people only think of themselves...lol. I'm kidding, I know that they need to go where the work is, but it makes me sad to think that they could/would live that far away. My Mom and Dad already moved to Alaska (a.k.a. Bountiful) and now there is a chance that Sister could end up in Antarctica (a.k.a. American Fork). It's just wrong I tell ya!
It's okay Doozer, we will just have to meet in the middle for our weekly lunch dates! How does Kaysville-ish sound to you ;)
I confess that I'm freaking out that we are going to owe on our tax returns this year...it's just NOT RIGHT! (We don't say it isn't fair around here, we say..."it's just not right"...because like I tell my kids, life isn't fair...fair is where you take your pig and win a prize - LOL, they get so mad at me when they try to tell me something isn't fair :) OH...AND ON TOP OF THAT...My sister is getting enough back on her taxes to feed a small country...yes, feed the entire country for at LEAST a year...and she STILL won't buy me tickets to go see the Nickelback, Bush, Seether & My Darkest Days concert!! MEANIE HEAD :P Geesh, See what I have to live with? ;)
I confess that the 18 yr. old kid that tried to blow up the local High School lives in my neighborhood...it's SO sad and kind of creepy at the same time. He's always been a shy kid, a recluse, but I never once thought that he was crazy...and trust me, we've had crazies over here! His Dad and Mom are both amazing people and my heart is breaking for his sister who his a sophomore at the same High School. He was released from jail today on a $100,000.00 bail and since his release there has been various police officers sitting in their cars watching his house.
--AND LAST...but not least--
I confess that something has died in my car! Not only died, but died and fermented. I just know that there is some creature/thing out there that is sad and missing it's loved one.....and I'm sure it's their loved one is what died in my car. I have completely emptied it...the trunk, under the seats, in the glove compartment...everywhere is clean and it STILL STINKS! At this point I am offering a reward to whoever can figure out what the heck that smell is!! There could be some good money in it for the brave soul that can figure it out!