1. I confess that I have NOT read all of The Hunger Games. I bought the book a long time ago and I did start to read it. However, I made the mistake of buying it in book form instead of on my kindle thinking that my kids might want to read it too. I should have known better...it's not a book about the latest fishing techniques or hottest fishing spots so Ry wouldn't read it and it's not a non-fiction book so Ky wouldn't read it. However....we are all excited to see the movie! Plus you know my theory about book movies - Why ruin a good movie by reading the book first...the movie is never as good as the book!
2. I confess that I can't get out of this BLAH funk that I'm in. It's been a rough several weeks and I just want to stay home and play Words with friends. I have several games going on...one of my fav's lately is playing against my 15 yr. nephew, Colton. He's not afraid to use words that I would hurt my children for using and it makes me laugh. He's kicking my trash but he is sweet enough to skip a turn here and there if he gets far ahead. I also have games going on with a few of my cousins, Amy, Carie and both of my kids.
3. I confess that the love and concern I've received during this difficult time has been overwhelming...I truly feel blessed and really appreciate everyone that has been there for me. I've had numerous people stop by the house with treats and a hug, many text messages and private FB messages, I've received cards in the mail, and even a special few who went out of their way to come to the viewing and/or funeral. A special thanks to Joanna for being there through it all with her arms wrapped around me and to Donna for making me laugh!