Monday, July 19, 2010


The month of July has been CrAzY, so I am a little behind on my blogging...
I'll start with the good times!

Happy 60th Birthday Grandma!!

On July 3rd Joel's Mom, Linden, turn the BIG 6-O :)

Happy birthday Grandpa!!

Then it was my Dad's birthday on July 12th :0)

Earlier this month, before Girls Camp, I took my kids, picked up Brent's boys, Colton and Bailey, and then met my mom and sister for lunch...then we headed over to the Clearfield pool. It was good times with the cousins...Well, until all those nasty boys ganged up on my sweet princess...
(if only she didn't make it so much fun to tease her ;)

The day after returning from camp we went boating with Susie and Ryan to check out their new boat. The kids had a ball being pulled around on the tube. Joel and I were exhausted and spent most of the time up on the beach in the shade.

A few days later we went out and got Rosie a friend... Lily! She is so small and adorable, only a few months old. These two guinea pigs have us wrapped around their little fingers, they are very cuddly and are always very happy to see us :)

Lily is a long haired guinea :o)

Then the not so fun times...

When Ry went to my Mom's house, while Joel and I were at camp, he fell and tore his Achilles Tendon, YIKES :| Basically that means that Ry and our lazy boy became BFF's and his football season went down the drain :( He was pretty upset about losing his defensive position on his team. Joel and I are disappointed that we don't get to watch him in his element this year. Was he the team rockstar?? NO, but it's always fun as a parent to watch your kids excel and be part of something they love! But like I keep telling him...and myself..., there is more to life than football! There has also been a good few things come out of him getting injured, easing the blow a little bit. Ry's favorite part is the friends and family that have been stopping by with treats, videos, comic books, and much more :)

This picture was taken today as we were walking out of the doctor's office ~ after the cast was removed and the boot was put on. At least now he can put a little weight on it!

Only a few more days of crutches, then just the boot for 4-6 weeks. After that he'll start physical therapy...good times, right?

There is Death and Denial going on around here.... :|

The first new car that Joel and I bought as a married couple was our 2001 Saturn, it only had 16 miles on it when we drove it off the lot. Joel is very attached to this car...and the fact that there has not been a payment for several years. As I set here typing, our car is in our driveway struggling to stay alive. She has been a fabulous car for us, but she's got over 175,000 miles on her. However, Joel is out there doing everything in his power to bring her back...but, I'm afraid she is headed toward the light, slowly...but still headed. Still it is very cute to watch him keep trying ~ he's the greatest :)

All I have to say is....WOO HOO!! I have wanted a new car for a while now, but that no payment thing also got me. However, I am starting to think we are going to be forced into it...making the new payment easier to live with. So, now I am setting here trying to narrow the list down of cars that I want! SUV, Crossover, Sedan....too many choices! Oh, I am sure that he will succeed in fixing it again...even a few more times, but I know the end is near!!