Tuesday, July 27, 2010

She's got it!

This summer Ky has been working very hard for one thing...to master her backhand spring. When the summer session of tumbling started, already having passed off front walkovers, back walkovers, and more, she set a goal to be able to do her backhand spring all by herself and land it, before school starts again in August.

I am thrilled to say that she has mastered it!! I am so proud of the way she has spent numerous hours to accomplish something so important to her :) It wasn't always easy...and sometimes very painful, but she stuck to it!

These pictures are of her on my brother's trampoline on the 24th of July.
I'll post the video soon!

She was so patient we me...It probably only took 15 backhand springs
for me to get a couple pictures that I liked ~ Thanks Ky :)