Monday, August 16, 2010

Park City

Earlier this month I took Ky and went to Park City with a bunch of friends from our ward. Every year before school starts we make to trip up to the outlet mall. This year I went with Amy and her sister, Marla, Michelle, Angie, Erin and her daughter Chezney, Shawna, and Lesha (hopefully I didn't forget anyone). However, this was the first...and probably the last...year that I took Ky with me. She is to hard to say NO to, causing me spend WAY more that I should have, good thing she's worth it ;)

F.Y.I. ~ The Justice store at the outlet mall is not an outlet store...I was totally bummed, so save your gas and go to the Riverdale store!

Around noon we took a break and went over to Ruby Tuesday to eat lunch, then went back to hit the upper level of the mall. Ky and I headed home around 3pm. Ky didn't even make it back to the freeway before she was sound asleep :)

Ky and Chezney outside of Ruby Tuesday's