Monday, August 16, 2010

Too much is...TOO MUCH!

Saturday night, about 9pm, my father-in-Law, Bob, brought Ry home in server pain. Ry started the day fishing with his friend, Braydon, came home for about a hour, then went back out fishing with Bob.

Ry and Braydon

He kept complaining that he had really bad heartburn and went downstairs to watch TV. About an hour later, when his the pain was getting worse, we started asking him about what exactly he was feeling and decided we better take him in to be seen. Good thing Wee Care Pediatrics is open 24 hrs. a day!

Once we got there, got him checked in, waited in the waiting room for over a hour, and then waited again back in the room...the doctor told us that he had pulled a muscle under his rib cage, causing his rib cage to be inflamed. WHAT COULD CAUSE THIS?? Yep, too much fishing! Ry spent the day jerking his arm back and forth and once he started to relax the pain set in. After 24 hours of alternating Ibuprofen and Tylenol the pain is finally gone. Silly boy :)