Friday, October 1, 2010

Penny Trick'n...

Adam & Carie on Mazatlan beach

So, what happens when you set up your BFF's from high school? Yep, they get married 6 months before you. Adam and Carie celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago on a cruise to Mexico...but before they flew out of SLC, they made a quick, 2 1/2 hour, visit which all started with the penny trick.

It was a friday night, around 11, and I had just gotten home from a girls night out. Joel and I were upstairs relaxing in our room and the kids were still up...doing who know's what. All of the sudden this pounding started. BANG, BANG, BANG...and continued for several minutes. I saw Ry walk out of his room and asked him to go tell Ky to stop pounding on the kitchen table. Ry came back a few seconds later looking pale white...very quietly he said, "Mom, that's not's our front door". Joel immediately flew up out of bed and said..."ADAM'S HERE!!" and ran down stairs. Joel opened the door, grabbed the fish string that was attached to the door and followed it right to their hiding spot. By the time I got out there the group, Adam, Carie, Chelsea & friends, were on the front lawn, laughing and waking up the neighborhood. After a few minutes Chelsea and her friends left and then Adam and Carie came in and stayed until after 2am.

Let me explain the penny trick...for those of you that we haven't hit yet ;)

Back during our dating days we started, and got hooked on, what we call the penny trick. You take a band-aid, a penny, a spool of fishing string, and find your victim. After dark, you attach one end of the band-aid to the door (glass and metal screen doors that open out work the best) or a window close to the door. With the other end of the band-aid you attach one end of the string and the penny. Then while letting out your fishing string you walk across the street, hide, and start pulling the string. It makes the LOUDEST taping sound. People come out look around, close the door, and you start tapping would go on and on until we were laughing so hard that the people found us, which usually isn't too long - Joel and Adam giggle like a bunch of little girls when their together, it's kind of cute...and kind of annoying ;0)

One time we did the penny trick to my brother in law, Judd, and his wife. However, we didn't know that Judd was out of town and his wife, now ex-wife, was home alone. It really freaked her out and we ended up surrendering before she called the cops...still very fun! Another time Carie and I took her niece, Chelsea, and a few of her friends out to teach them. We picked my high school friend, Scottie. Little did we know he lived in a fortress....his old house had an enclosed front porch, and later said they didn't hear a thing :( The six of us spent over 30 minutes pulling on that stupid string, with no results. Finally his mom, who lived across the street, came out because she heard us laughing so hard in her driveway. It still remains our only bust...but, once again, still fun!

There are many more penny trick story's, all of them great memories. So, next time you hear we are going to dinner and movie with Adam and Carie...beware, it could be your turn next :)

I think we have hit most of our's time to move on to the family! It's kind of childish, but don't knock it until you try it ;)