Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The little man turns 4!.

Happy 4th Birthday Bodee!

Tonight we celebrated my nephews birthday at my Mom's house. Bodee is such a stink'n cute little kid and say's the FUNNIEST stuff. . . I love it! There are days that I wish I could take all of his energy and bottle it up! I'd be rich :) Even Ky admits that she feels like she needs an energy drink before seeing Bodee, not that she's ever had one before. . .but it's just the thought that even my 9 year needs a boost of energy to keep up with him.

Susie, his mom/my sister, hired an old co-worker to make the cake.

It was a very cute cake and. . . . . well. . . . . maybe we should just leave it at that ;)