Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Confessional. . .

Wow. . .It's Friday again already! Since it kind of snuck up on me I haven't given it much thought, but here it goes.

1. I confess that I have to call my sister and ask her if we have read a book before I will buy it. Yep, I am terrible at buying the same book over and over again. I like to blame the publishers that change the cover of the book and then release it again, but honestly I just have a terrible memory, lol. I do remember once Susie says, "YES. . . . its about this, that, and the other". It's totally crazy. . . and she laughs at me (mean, I know) but I don't buy books until I talk to her :)

2. I confess that I wear p.j. pants to work a little to often. Well. . . . actually I wear them to work a lot to often ;) That is one of the perks of working for your brother out of his house.. I think I set a record this week and got ready for the day 3 times before coming in, and I wasn't happy about it!! My co-workers...Princess Bella (the high maintenance jack russell terrier), Moe (the lazy chocolate lab), Gordo (the attention demanding cat) and Sugar Bear (the very shy and unfriendly cat)...don't seem to care what I wear, they're just excited to see me . . .well, except Sugar Bear (she runs to hide ;). I do want it to be known that I ALWAYS brush my teeth before I come to work, lol.

3. I confess that I absolutely hate, hate, hate that I LOVE my new glasses. A few weeks ago our family doctor recommended that I go get my eyes checked again. I was able to get in later the next day for a complete eye exam. It was freaky scary to find out how blind I actually am. After the appointment Joel and I wandered about while I tried on at least 506 pairs of glasses. (Because I already have trouble with extremely dry eyes and I my left eye has an astigmatism (?) my optometrist recommended that I not try contacts. . . Yeah! I didn't want to stick things in my eyes anyway :) Later that week I went and picked them up. . . .and I love them, can't live without them. . . and I hate that!