Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Memoirs. . . .

Disneyland 2004

This was our first trip to Disneyland/California as a family. Boy, how time flies! I remember that we wanted to surprise the kids. . . it was so hard to keep it a secret until the early morning when we woke them up saying, "WAKE-UP! We're going to Disneyland! We've got to hurry, our plane leaves in 2 hours!". We had the car packed and ready to go. That was the hard part for me. Packing for all of us, for 4 days, without them seeing the suitcases. They were SO EXCITED! Now that I think about it, I think we video recorded waking the up. . . I'll have to look for that! Our vacation went something like this. . . ( if I remember right :)

Thursday - Flight left SLC for LA at 7:30am, arrived in California and rented a car, spent the day with friends, Karen & Tim, in/at Long Beach and then check into our hotel that night.

**When we got to our hotel we upgraded our room to the kids suite. . . big mistake! The kids suite had bunk beds that we thought our kids would have fun with, since they have friends with bunk beds. We were WRONG, they hated it and ended up sleeping in the king size bed with Joel and I the entire time :)**

Friday - Spent the entire day in Disneyland. Had dinner that night at Goofy's Kitchen.

Saturday - Finished Disneyland and then spent the remaining part of the day in California Adventures. Had lunch that day at Ariel's Grotto.

**I only remember the character meal's because they are so expensive, plus the pictures, I think we paid over $100.00 for each one. Which is a lot for a 3 yr. old and 5 yr. old. . . now days it happens all the time, sadly. **

Sunday - Our flight back SLC left LA at 10:30am. Got back home DEAD TIRED, but we had a great time :)

Ah shucks, I wish I could remember more. . . I'll have to pick Joel's brain for what he remembers and then add to this. I guess I should have started blogging many years ago, like 12 yrs. ago, but better late than never, right?