Sunday, January 23, 2011

The L-O-N-G month of December

The entire month of December was absolutely cRaZy!! It was, however, a real eye opener for me. I am one that loves to stay busy and I'm always on the go, but during December I finally found my breaking point. . .the point where even I had to admit that I had too much on my plate. Yep, it's finally time to step back and realize I can't do it all anymore. It's time to re-prioritize my life. These changes will be slow coming but should all be complete by the time the kids are out of school for the summer. NOW, I just need to learn how to say NO and not take on anything new. So, if your read my blog, please do us both a favor and just don't ask . . . . . I'm kidding. . . . . . kind of ;)

On the positive side, I did start sleeping though the night!! Yeah!! Before December came along I would only sleep about 4 hours a night, on a good night. During December, and since then, I actually fall asleep before Joel does and wake up long after him! It's fabulous :) Granted, I don't get as much done as I use to, but I am learning that everything doesn't have to be done RIGHT NOW and some how we will survive.

Blogging was one of the things that suffered. . . during December I didn't get to it and missed a lot fun things :( So here is a few events that I remembered to bring my camera to. . . . .

Ky performed with the Midland Choir!

Ky loves to sing, so joining the choir has been perfect for her. They had several performances during the month. . . but I only took pictures twice and once was with my phone, so the pictures are not that great :( However, they did a great job and I am very proud of her for taking it on and sticking with it. . . . several of her friends dropped out after starting because of all of the after school practices. Joel and I loved watching her performances. . . . even when they were outside in the freezing COLD! Hopefully she can keep her front row position next year. . . and hopefully I remember my camera or video recorder ;)

1st Baby Bird Hatched!

Ky and her Grandma D. are into parakeets, they are parakeet crazy! Last summer while Ry and Ky were staying with them they took the kids to a bird refuge and fell in love. Later that evening Ky had talked her Grandma in to buying a was all down hill from there. They now have 7 parakeets including Precious. Snowflake, the white Parakeet, laid 12 eggs. Two out of the 12 hatched, but only one survived. . . . Precious. Since then she has laid 5 more eggs. CrAzY!! One entire bedroom at my in-laws house has been taken over by parakeets. . . . THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!

(it's amazing how fast they grow)

Haylee's Baby Blessing!

Susie and her husband, Ryan, chose Ryan's brother, Monte (which I didn't get a picture of), to perform the blessing. Because Susie and Ryan are not active members of the church, the blessing was performed at my parents house with their bishopric conducting. I never realized how big Ryan's side of the family is...Wow, there is a lot of them. Ryan grew up in the same small town as Susie and I, so we know his parents and 3 siblings. However, they are each married and each have 27 kids, lol. . . k, not really but it sure did seem like it :) Afterwords we ate and spent time catching up. On the way home I enjoyed how quite my kids are and reminded myself why we stopped after two.

My fabulous Mother kept our blessing dresses (and didn't lose them!). So, Ky was blessed in my blessing dress and Haylee was blessed in Susie's blessing dress. Very cute, right! OH...and I can't forget the flower. My, amazingly talented, friend Amy made it to match the dress. Thanks Amy!

My grandpa, with Haylee in the picture below, is one of the few men that will Haylee will go to. She does NOT like men. . . Joel and Brent always get the sad lip with big alligator tears just by looking at her, it's cute. . . sad, but very cute ;). She does LOVE HER AUNT HEIDI though, and that's all that really matters!

Larry and Jackie came to visit from California!

Larry is Joel's cousin from his Dad's side of the family. The first night they were in town we met them at Jeremiah's for dinner. On this trip they brought the entire family plus was a lot of fun! They stayed in their time share condo at up Wolf Creek and spent the week and a half skiing and snowboarding. We meet up with them again during the week at Maddox and then went up to the condo later that evening. We were invited to stay the night up there with them, but both Ky and I had bad head cold's and just wanted to be home in our beds. Before we left we made plans for them to join us at my Mom and Dad's New Year's Eve party.

Yes, Jackie is the amazing lady that hooked us up for Kid's Choice Awards earlier this year. Jackie is a Stage Production Manager, which sounds really cool, but is a highly stressful position. She is the one to que the lights and music, send out guest, is responsible for all the stage changes, and much much more. She is currently working for Conan O'Brien and American Idol, she is one busy lady!

( All of these pictures are taken at Jeremiah's except
the one of Ry and Ky on the bottom -she's wearing
the pink striped sweater- That is the one picture
I remember to take at Maddox in Brigham City.)

Susie and Ryan got a puppy!

A couple of days before Christmas they brought home a white lab puppy. Harlee (like Bodee & Haylee) is very cute and playful. Ky calls her the piranha puppy, she's all teeth and loves to chew on anything and everything. From what I hear, She is the funnest at 4am. That's when Harlee is full of energy and ready to play :) Ryan and my Dad are both working on training her to be Ryan's hunting dog, but for now she is just spoiled rotten like my parents Golden Retriever, Maggie.

Now. . . I just need to finish getting all of my Christmas and New Year's pictures together, blog about it, and then I'll be all caught up :)