The past year and a half has been a rough one for my Dad. Every few months he has made a trip back to his least favorite place, as he calls it, under the knife.
After dealing with serve knee pain for several years his doctor's convinced him that he needed knee replacement surgery on his right knee. It was a horrible experience to watch him go though it, so I can only imagine how he felt. The block they gave him during surgery didn't take and he was in severe pain for couple days while they tried to get on top of it with morphine and pain killers. The recovery process was long hard battle.
Next came the wrist surgery, once again on the right side. Something was wrong with the bone and they had to go in and add a metal plate and a bunch of screws. (Now we can tease Dad that he may actually have a lose screw after all ;)
Then on Thursday he went in for hip replacement surgery on his. . . right side, of course. He was extremely nervous that the pain was going to be as bad as it was with the knee replacement surgery. After he had been in recovery for a while, the nurse came to get us and said he was awake and asking when the Margarita's are going to be delivered, lol. . . . that's when we knew that he was doing okay. We got him settled into his room and, sadly, he had to settle for his next favorite, diet coke ;)
Later I discovered that, at the age of 57, that my Dad was the youngest person up on the second floor recovering from hip replacement surgery. . . see Dad, your not so old after all! After surgery he said, "it's no picnic, but the pain is nowhere near where it was with the knee replacement". This morning, probably due to all the harassing he gave his nurse's, he was released to go home a day early!