Tuesday, January 18, 2011

She is SO fired!!

Early today I called my Mom to tell her I was coming down tonight to get copies of the Christmas pictures. . . . . . . .I just got back off of the phone with her telling me not to worry about coming down tonight because she can't find her SD card with the pictures on it. SHE'S SO FIRED!! Love her, I do, but she's still fired!

This is the second year that I have no Christmas pictures because of that my sweet, adorable, FORGETFUL mother of mine!

I'm not sure if you remember this post. . . . .


That was the year I was in charge of taking the pictures. Little did I know that at the end of the night she stole my SD card out of my camera. . .she thought she was pretty cute, lol. This year she wanted to take the pictures so that I could enjoy playing the games with my kids. . . . and now the card is lost, misplaced . . . M.I.A.

I will eventually, even though it could be years from now (um...EASTER DRESS ;), get the pictures from her, but in the mean time I will have a big gaping hole where my Christmas pictures with the A side of the family should be. So, come July when I post Christmas pictures you know that the SD card has finally been found, lol.

I just hope it's July of this year ;)

p.s. Saying "your fired" to your own Mother might sound kind of harsh. . .but they're all used it. I fire everyone (Mom, Dad, Sister, Husband, Kids, and my Brother . . .aka MY BOSS) on a weekly and even daily basis. I wouldn't fire ya if I didn't love ya!

p.p.s. Miracles DO happen!! She found the SD card! But she already read this post and now, tonight, when we go down to Bountiful we're having spaghetti for dinner . . . . . again ;)