Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh Susie, Susie, Susie. . . .

Yesterday was Susie's Birthday. . . .


(Doozer, Sorry I forgot to give you your card....I'll bring it to Bodee's birthday party :)

For Susie's birthday her husband, Ryan, wanted to take her to the Olive Garden for dinner without the kids....and because my parents were out of town, I was, after much consideration, allowed to babysit! The plan was for them to drop the kids off at my house around 4:30. I had a community council meeting that began at 4, which is usually very short -but this one ran a little longer, so she left Bodee (4) and Haylee (7 months) at home with Joel and the kids. During the 15 minutes they were alone with Joel, I had 8 missed calls, and one text, from Susie. Yep, I think she was a little worried I totally forgotten about her.

(Sadly, everyone knows I need my reminder calls and texts -- One day I would like to be able to slow down enough to just be able to remember everything I need to do, but I don't see that happening anytime in the near future, so keep sending those texts or make sure it's on my calendar in my will text me for ya. Again, sad.....but very true)

Anyway. . . .

While walking out of the school at 4:45 I called her back. She said, "Haylee is going to be hungry and needs to be HURRY!". I walked into my house a few moments later and started looking through her diaper bag (Susie usually forgets a few things like...diaper, wipes, food) to see what I had to work with. AFTER warming up her sweet potatoes and making her bottle I noticed the note attached to my frig. . . .

The picture is kind of lousy, but it says....

Heidi, She eats 7 oz. off (of) food. All you have to do is dump the food in. Heat sweet potatoes for 15 sec. If you choose applesauce don't heat up. Any questions call me.

I sent her a text, that said..."Wow, Thanks for the instructions! I'm pretty sure I forgot how to make formula and heat up baby food :P". She immediately called me back, laughing, to tell me that she left the instructions for Joel in case I didn't get home in time to feed Haylee.

--- RIGHT.....that's why the note says "Heidi" at the very top ---

(Sometimes I swear she thinks my kids were born big enough that I got to skip the baby/toddler stage. Trust me, at the time, I endured it just like everyone else does --now I'd give anything to go back to spend a day that they were 2 and 4--. However, Susie just happened to be between the ages of 16-20yrs old at the time and I don't think she was really paying attention :)

Anyway. . . .

After I was done harassing her about the lame note, I called Joel into the kitchen to get his reaction. The response was classic. He said, "I saw that. . . .I guess all you have to do is dump food into babies these days". It was all very funny...even Haylee was laughing with us. I love it when babies laugh, it makes my heart smile!

The 2 hours flew by and somehow both of her adorable kids survived...granted, Bodee probably did go home with a few new words he learned from Ry, and, I PROMISE, I will not let Ry play Black Ops on the Wii with him anymore ;) Okay, Okay. . . .maybe I'm not the world's great babysitter after all, lol.

Ry and Haylee on Wednesday Night
(She sure looks traumatized, right?)