Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Memoirs. . . .

14 years ago today I became an Aunt for the very first time!


It was a Friday night and Joel and I were getting ready to go out to dinner to celebrate our first Valentines as a married couple. . . .10 days shy of our first anniversary! I got a phone call from Brent saying that him and Christi were in the hospital and that baby Colton had been born a couple of hours ago (STINKER CHRISTI DIDN'T WANT EVERYONE THERE :P). Brent said that both Christi and the baby were doing good and we could come up if we wanted to. Dinner plans were put on hold for few hours and we headed up to McKay-Dee Hospital to see the new baby boy.

Yes, I went snooping to find these pictures while at work today. . . I found many of him from infant to about 4 yrs. old but then apparently they thought he cuteness wore off because they stop taking pictures of the stinker, j/k ;) But the most recent one I could find was this school picture above from the 5th grade. . . .he's now in 9th!

I looked through my recent pictures to see if I had any of Colton and this is what I found, the toad ducks every time I try to take a picture of him! I guess I'm going to have to start taking more pictures of my brother's family, but apparently I'm going to need to be sneaky about it!

(Taken at our New Year's Eve party last month. . .he like's to set by his Aunt Heidi every chance he gets!)