Yesterday Ky, ran for and, was elected Vice President of her 5th Grade Class! I love to see her stepping out of her comfort zone, she as a tendency to be on the shy side.....yes, She gets that from her Dad ;)
Two years ago, Ky would have NEVER even consider running for an election. The night before the election she worked really hard on her speech, which she DID NOT let me help with at all, it was great! She wrote it, read it, read it again, fixed a few things...read it again several more times and then remember it could only be a minute long, so then she started timing herself with her iPod. I loved it!
At the end of last year Ky and a couple of her friends, Chezney and Cheyenne, performed a song at the 4th grade talent show. They sang "Firework" by Katy Perry. It blew me away that she would even agree to do something like that. Ky's teacher video recorded it and then called me later that day and ask me stop by. They did an AMAZING JOB! I got tears in my eyes watching it...She is growing up SO fast. I've got a copy of their performance on my USB drive, but I can't get it to work :( I'm totally bummed.
Mrs. Smith was the one that pointed out how much Ky had changed since the beginning of the year when she had to really work at getting Ky to open up and talk to her. I even remember back to when her first grade teacher thought she needed to be pulled out of class for help with her reading, it made me laugh. It took both me and her kindergarten teacher to convince them that Ky was a fabulous reader. I was asked to join them while they tested her. They had her read to me while they sat behind her. On that day, towards the beginning of first grade, Ky tested out reading on a 3rd grade reading level. They finally agreed....Yep, she's shy :)
Two years ago, Ky would have NEVER even consider running for an election. The night before the election she worked really hard on her speech, which she DID NOT let me help with at all, it was great! She wrote it, read it, read it again, fixed a few things...read it again several more times and then remember it could only be a minute long, so then she started timing herself with her iPod. I loved it!
At the end of last year Ky and a couple of her friends, Chezney and Cheyenne, performed a song at the 4th grade talent show. They sang "Firework" by Katy Perry. It blew me away that she would even agree to do something like that. Ky's teacher video recorded it and then called me later that day and ask me stop by. They did an AMAZING JOB! I got tears in my eyes watching it...She is growing up SO fast. I've got a copy of their performance on my USB drive, but I can't get it to work :( I'm totally bummed.
Mrs. Smith was the one that pointed out how much Ky had changed since the beginning of the year when she had to really work at getting Ky to open up and talk to her. I even remember back to when her first grade teacher thought she needed to be pulled out of class for help with her reading, it made me laugh. It took both me and her kindergarten teacher to convince them that Ky was a fabulous reader. I was asked to join them while they tested her. They had her read to me while they sat behind her. On that day, towards the beginning of first grade, Ky tested out reading on a 3rd grade reading level. They finally agreed....Yep, she's shy :)