Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Confessional. . .

1. I confess that I've had hives, all over my neck, since last week....I'm not sure why. I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of them, Benadryl, Zyrtec, Sudafed, Cortisone 10...I even tried my Mom's suggestion and wiped them down with rubbing alcohol. Nothing has worked! I've decide to embrace it like a church calling....once I learn to love it, it will go away :)

2. I confess that I got eyelash extensions, about a month ago, and I love them! It's the best thing I have ever done for myself. They really make my eyes stand out more, I always fill/look like I'm wearing makeup and no more mascara around my extremely dry eyes, it's been great. Some girls get their nails filled...I get my lashes filled!

3. I confess that Ry starting Jr. High was harder on me than it was on him....MAYBE THAT'S WHY I BROKE OUT IN HIVES, I didn't think of that! I still ask him everyday who he ate lunch with, who he sat by on the bus...etc. He loves it...still, even after the first week - which is a huge relieve after the year he had last year. At this point I think Ry is more addicted to the portal than I am. He likes to get on every night and make sure he is still getting straight A's....I'd really be scared if he wasn't after only the first week. In just a few more days he's officially a teenager...I think my hives just got worse!! ;)