Friday, August 12, 2011


Even though Joel is now super busy, I'm very excited and proud of him for the promotion he received at work. About a month ago his company started to reorganize a few of the departments and, with that, the rumors started to circulate. I could tell that he was nervous about the changes that have already happened and the ones that he could see coming.

5 years ago, when Joel started working for the classifieds department at KSL, it was a very small, tight knit group of guys, only 6 or 7, that made having to go to work a lot of fun. I enjoyed watching and hearing about the comradery between them all.

Then, a few years ago, Bonneville Communications, the KSL parent company, split up and separated from KSL TV. Now is part of the Deseret Digital Media Company. It has taken a little over two years, but now the original classifieds group has been split up.

Joel has been promoted to Director of Classifieds. He is starting from scratch, having to hire a new group of developers to work under him, while the rest of old department is being moved over to news. I know it's been kind of been bitter-sweet for Joel. He's excited. . . .and a little nervous. . . .about all of new challenges and responsibilities, but he's also missing the daily contact with the 3rd floor gang. However, I know. . . .without a doubt. . . . that he will be amazing and I look forward to supporting him through this new adventure.

Congratulations! I thank you for everything you do, and for how hard you work, for me and the kids. Not only are you a wonderful husband, but you're a terrific father and provider.....and the fact that your super cute isn't terrible either ;)
You are not only my husband, but my best friend and soul mate. You are a blessing from above - one that I do not take for granted. I love you, Bud....more than words. I'm forever grateful for your love and very proud to be your wife. . . . . .YOU ROCK!